Curiosity gets some bad press and

I was curious to discover why

The dictionary definition of curiosity is ‘an eager wish to know or learn about something’ (Cambridge).

That definition makes curiosity sound like a really positive thing and I know, speaking as a coach,  it to be so.

Curiosity killed the cat – or did it?

Now I don’t know about you but I seem to remember as a child being told in response to my questions that ‘curiosity killed the cat’.  And I took from this that asking questions was a bad thing.  I assumed that it must be rude to ask questions and that the recipient of my questions would somehow be irked or offended.


And that is the intended meaning of the phrase – it’s a warning to stop asking questions …….about things that don’t concern you.  I don’t think the full meaning was ever made clear to me so I just assumed that asking questions, in general, was a bad thing!

When I look back, I wonder if this assumption blighted my willingness, as a child, to ask questions of others (even though I always asked questions of myself)  And I wonder how many of you reading this have felt the same.  Also, how many of you quote the saying to your children without explaining the meaning? I probably did. It really is worth encouraging them to develop a curious mind.  

Anyhow, the great news is that being a coach means you have permission to be curious.  I’d go as far as to say you have a duty to be curious.

I believe that curiosity is

  • the key to unlocking new perspectives
  • the springboard to moving from feeling helpless to hopeful
  • the kindling that ignites the spark of energy and motivation
  • the balmy breeze that blows away the cobwebs of the old and unhelpful thought patterns to reveal a clear space for bringing in a new, empowering approach to life.

It’s one of the most important tools in the coaching toolbox.  And it’s one that should be regularly sharpened and used.

I don’t think for a minute that you’ll have a problem with that.  And in modelling that curiosity as you coach, you’ll inspire your clients to adopt it too.  But are you saving curiosity just to help your clients or are you also using it to full effect to help yourself?

My own curiosity led me to research the origins of the curiosity-cat saying, and  I discovered that the proverb in its current form is relatively new (early 1900s).

The original saying was in fact ‘care killed the cat’ – and that’s care as in worry.  It was said that a cat has 9 lives yet care would wear them all out.

Now that’s more like it. I can identify with that – can you?

We all know what worry does to us.  And it absolutely steals our joy and makes us stressed so that we are preoccupied and miss out on the good stuff in our lives.  It holds us in fear.



As a coach, new to the coaching world and also to business, I experienced a lot of ‘care’ in my early days.  I’m sure I’m not on my own in that.

Are you worrying about where your next client will come from, or what other people (especially other coaches!) think about you, or what to put on your facebook page to increase engagement, or how to even create a facebook page, or the fact that you don’t have a business plan, or that your scared to do a facebook live, or you can’t seem to find your niche, or that you’re not sure how to network, or that you’re obviously just not good enough to be self employed and you just need to get a job?

Phew, it’s exhausting isn’t it?

Curiosity can save you!

This kind of worry can soon take over and render us paralysed, not taking any action.

I know, I’ve been there!

Remember that a cat has nine lives yet care will wear them all out.  

Don’t wear yourself out with worry or care.  Instead, choose curiosity.

Curiosity is the catalyst that will bring about the change you need.

As coaches, we sometimes take for granted the things that come easily to us.   And I’ll bet curiosity is one of those things you have no problem using when coaching your lovely clients.

If you’re worrying about your business and you’re feeling hopelessly stuck, I urge you to get curious with yourself and what is actually going on for you.  Curiosity will lead you to clarity and clarity will attract your clients.

If it all feels too much, I can help

And of course, if you’re feeling like it’s all too much to achieve on your own, let’s have a chat to see how I can help you to get beyond all that worry and overwhelm so that you can Get Clear and Get Clients and get your coaching business moving along nicely.

Simply click here to book your no obligation, fully complimentary 20 minute clarity call (with your favourite beverage, of course!)




Jane Gray is an accomplished and certified Empowerment Coach based in the UK.  In 2016, Jane founded Jane Gray Coaching.

Finding the beauty and fun in most situations, Jane intuitively empowers women who are new to coaching and business. Her clients become able to get clarity and focus so that they can get out into the world to do their beautiful work.  She helps them to get clear and get clients.

Jane headshot

Jane is a Master Practioner of NLP, certified MasterCoach and Practitioner of Behaviour and Brain Change.

You can find out more about her at; Her Facebook page is /JaneGrayCoaching and Instagram /JaneGrayCoach