
I love untangling knots

In 2015 I was labouring over my website copy. What to write About Me and what I do.

I settled on a form of words which included the phrase – “I love untangling knots”. For some reason this phrase lodged in my mind and it kept popping up – almost like a child jumping up and down, arms waving around screaming for my attention. Has this ever happened to you?

My thoughts meandered around the knot theme until I remembered how I love untangling the knots in a kite string (I know that’s a bit weird – I also love filling in application forms!). My curiosity began to grow as I thought about how I might include kites in the way I coach and support people.

Ideas would form and take off. And then I’d reel them in again. The negative committee would come out in full force and I’d listen to that critical voice that was telling me the idea was silly and it would never work. Yet when I told people about it, they lit up. They loved the idea. I knew I was getting in my own way. Keeping myself stuck and tying my kite string in knots of self-doubt.


Coincidental Kites

I worked on it some more, creating the foundations, and then one day I was presented with a couple of coincidences that made me sit up and take notice.

I’d been thinking about the kite idea more and more and on the 4th July 2016, I was sitting in queue of traffic. It was a beautiful day and away to my left, hovering over the fields were three Red Kites. Their magnificence always impresses me and I watched them for as long as I could before moving away in the flow of traffic. They’d made my day.

That same evening was my first time visit to a particular networking event. The host was an interesting man who’d written nine novels, a remarkable achievement as being an author was not his day job. I was genuinely curious about how he’d got started and he shared with me some of the plots and how they’d materialised. I really paid attention when he told me his first book was titled ‘Flying with Kites’. Coincidence number two.

In that moment I made a decision to buy a kite the very next day.


Curious and Cautious

The kite-buying-day dawned bright and sunny – a perfect day to fly a kite. After my visit to ToysRus (other toy shops are available) I returned home determined to get my first flight in.

The negative committee made another appearance and so I stood outside the front of my house trying to get the kite to fly from a standing start. Needless to say that didn’t work and I bet I looked a little strange!

Curiosity eventually outweighed my caution and I ventured around the corner to the bottom of a hill, still not in full view of other people (please note, there were no people!).

It took off! Once I realised I could fly this kite, I made my way to the top of the hill to fly my kite in full view. It was amazing. I’d forgotten how joyful and liberating an activity it is. Holding on to that handle and watching the kite dance on the wind was fabulous.

My ideas developed more and more and THE K.I.T.E. APPROACH™ was created in July 2015.

coloured ka

Lesson learned

The lesson I’ve learned is that if you have an idea that lights you up, pursue it. It will keep representing itself as a niggle until you sit up and take notice of it! Stop the sabotage and start the journey to Your Soaring Success.

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Book your Clarity Call to start the journey to Your Soaring Success

If this resonates with you and you’d like to regain control of your life so that you can live with more focus, more energy and more meaning, book in for your 30 minute complimentary clarity call.  I’ll help you to get some clarity and share with you 3 tips you can use in future.


Jane is a curly haired Yorkshire lass. Her passion for helping people to live happier, more meaningful and more successful lives was born out of her own personal experience of how life can knock you off course. She’s been that person who felt anxious, had lost her sense of self and felt overwhelmed by sadness in the midst of having a great deal to be thankful for. Her quest for a better life has lead her to learn tried and tested tools and techniques from some of the biggest names in the self development arena. Her clients value her sense of fun along with her intuition, insight and inspiration. She’s a ‘safe pair of hands’ and will support, encourage and chivvy you along your journey to Your Soaring Success .